Women-led Disability Inclusive Livelihood (WDIL)Project 

Women-led disability inclusive livelihoods

2011 Census found 7827 PwDs in Dhading (2.3 %-above the 1.94% average) of which 60% are BPL. Disabled
women bear double burdens of gender and disability discrimination: their ‘invisibility’ in target VDCs evident
(Census-2284 but DWA’s survey found 2475-190 WwDs left out). Post earthquake survey found 50% of 1075
PwD families with significant unmet needs in target VDCs. Nepal has a disability inclusive constitution,
UNCRPD ratified, a 10 year Disability Action Plan and Disability Bill but political instability thwarts progress and
disabled people are being left behind in achievement of key SDGs. Continued DPO advocacy coupled with
practical inputs are key to improving disabled people’s lives especially that of disabled women/women carers.

This project will work through disability focused partners, and build on lessons from past DFID/UKAID
funded projects, to address the heightened levels of deprivation, exclusion, and poverty experienced by
WWDs, and PWDs in Dhading, Nepal. The project will support the establishment of accessible livelihood
activities for 636 PWDs (emphasizing women, who are often most deprived), in an effort to reduce poverty and
improve household health and education outcomes. Training on the rights of women and PWDs will be given to
PWDs, duty bearers, and other relevant stakeholders to tackle stigma and exclusion. Advocacy and capacity
building activities will be undertaken to strengthen the disability focused network of actors.

Project activities will be directly implemented in 12 rural communities in Dhading district, Nepal, with
heightened levels of deprivation, exclusion and poverty especially among WWDs, and where other I/NGOs are
not active. Project management and elements of the project’s media, advocacy, legal and policy work which
have national impact, will be done by lead partner DHRC (based in Kathmandu) informed by this project’s
implementation in Dhading.

DDP and DHRC had a 10 year partnership addressing disability issues which have contributed to Nepal’s
disability inclusive constitution and the Disability Bill. Our strategy is to continue building on the knowledge and
lessons learned from previous (CSCF-467) and current (INN-045) projects, and work through our partners to
reduce significant levels of poverty and support the most vulnerable individuals. The project will use a whole
family approach aimed at addressing the needs of individual WWDs, and more generally families that include a
disabled member. Disability rights and livelihoods training and establishment of women led SHGs will be a
lasting community mechanism, the success of which can inform systemic and policy level change.

  1. Grant Holder : Disability and Development Partners (DDP), UK
  2. Lead Implementing partner – Nepal Disabled Human Rights Centre (DHRC-Nepal), Kathmandu
  3. District level local partner – Disabled Welfare Association (DWA), Dhading

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