Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities funded by Matrix Causes Fund
The persons with disabilities (PWDs) are unable to fight for their rights because there is no disabled friendly environment in the administration of justice and other concerned authorities. The PWDs are unable to communicate with the justice delivering authorities and police staffs about their issues due to which they cannot get the justice for their violated rights. So, this project will cover the activities to enhance and protect the rights of the persons of disabilities.
This project aims to provide a legal aid service for disabled people in Nepal, who are poor and who have no other means of access to legal aid and advice. The need for this was strongly expressed by disabled people and their grassroots organization of persons with disabilities (OPDs) working with DHRC-Nepal. The service will build on DHRC-Nepal’s informal network of Human Rights Defender – ODP members and activists who DHRC has trained in basic disability rights and the law – and DHRC-Nepal’s very good relationship with members of the Nepal Bar Association who give their professional services without charge.
The consultant of DHRC Nepal will monitor legal notices/law reports in the press and official documents and feed relevant case studies into DHRC-Nepal’s press and media activities in order to continue to raise awareness and understanding of the issues. DHRC-Nepal aims to sensitize persons with disabilities about the disability legal rights and legal procedures through publication of disability related legal documents. Advocacy meetings/pressure meetings will be conducted to make the government authority and concerned stakeholders to make aware towards the urgent disability issues and matters and furthermore, reviewing the policy. The radio jingles will be produced and broadcasted to disseminate the information about the latest Disability Rights Acts, rules and regulations of the disabilities.
This program is generally based on the previous experiences and programs conducted by Disabled Human Rights Center(DHRC-Nepal).The problems encountered during the pre-research activity specifically highlighted the fulfillment of the ideas mentioned under the Article 13(Access to justice) of UNCRPD. The ever present laws and rules relating to PwDs has not been able to address their rights. This project seeks to implement the ideas enriched under UNCRPD and conduct awareness programs in means of legal counselling every month of the year with the help of DDP and more than 20 organization of persons with disabilities (OPDs)
The main objective of the project are:
1. To provide the legal aid and support to the persons with disabilities.
2. To find the gaps in the prevailing laws of Nepal relating to the persons with disabilities
The main target group of this project are:
1. Persons with Disabilities
2. Parents/ Guardian of Persons with Disabilities
3. Lawyers
4. Concerned Stakeholders
The expected outcome of the Project are:
1. The persons with disabilities will have proper access to justice.
2. The lawyers will be aware on disability issues and their capacity will be enhanced.
3. Mass awareness will be created through the media tools.